About Bosnia


Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country located in southeastern Europe, in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula, with a total floor area of 51.129 km ² and a population of approximately 3.791.622.

In the north, northwest and south it borders with Croatia , in the east with Serbia and in the southeast with Montenegro. In the far south of Bosnia and Herzegovina exits to the Adriatic Sea, a distance of 20 km, the city of Neum.

Capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Sarajevo that is the administrative, economic, cultural, university and sports center, and other major cities are Banja Luka, Tuzla, Mostar, Zenica, Bihac, Prijedor, Brcko, Bijeljina, Travnik, Trebinje, Doboj, Gradacac and Livno .

Climate in Bosnia and Herzegovina is moderately continental with warm summers, with average temperatures of 25 ˚ C and cold winters with an average temperature of 1.3 ˚ C.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country full of natural resources: natural thermal springs, hydropower potential - one of the few countries in the world whose rivers are drinkable and having a hygienic water that can be consumed directly, the country with beautiful rivers (Bosna, Drina, Neretva, Sava , Vrbas, Una, Sana), which are suitable for fishing, rafting; Mountains (Bjelasnica, Igman, Jahorina Trebević, Maglić, Treskavica) that provide great opportunities for fishing, hiking, mountain biking, soil centuries protected forests - as Perućica the only virgin forest in Europe which is a protected reserve, which is exclusively used for research and education because of its rich flora and fauna.

City of Sarajevo has such geographic position that within 2 hour car drive, you can reach the Adriatic Sea, and within half an hour some of the Olympic Mountains Bjelasnica, Igman, Jahorina Trebević if the customer prefers winter tourism.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is, simply put, the heart shaped land that will welcome and excite You with its beauty - come and see for yourself.


Orient-Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian heritage has left the biggest mark on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is evident in many impressive examples of religious and secular architecture.

Although geographically small country, Bosnia and Herzegovina has a rich culture which had a major impact on other Balkan countries, and sometimes even the whole world. It is manifested in various fields of human activity, including music, literature, film, art and applied art.

Among the most significant objects from the Ottoman period what should be mentioned are the mosques in Sarajevo: Bey Mosque, the Emperor and the Ali Pasha Mosque, mosque in Mostar, Travnik, and numerous other sacred objects of Islamic culture throughout country. Bosnia and Herzegovina is especially known for its bridges from the Ottoman period, which are particularly noteworthy: Old Bridge in Mostar, Mehmed Pasa Sokolovic Bridge in Visegrad, Arslanagica bridge in Trebinje.

Austro-Hungarian Empire left a deep mark in the construction of urban centers, museums, hotels, high architectural elegance and refinement, and religious buildings.

In Sarajevo, you can visit museums, galleries, monuments, restaurants with good local and international cuisine, historic sites, the old part of Sarajevo Bascarsija, Bey Mosque, market, handicraft shops, City Hall, Latin bridge, Zetra Olympic Complex (14th Olympic Winter Games) , Emperors mosque, Ali-Pasha mosque, Svrzina house (a typical example of traditional Bosnian house) and the Olympic mountains Bjelasnica, Igman, Jahorina, Trebević.

Sarajevo is well connected by public transport network of trams, trolleybuses, buses, and is one of the cities in Europe which was among the first to have mains water supply and tramway transport since the year 1885.

The capital city of Sarajevo hosted the 14th Winter Olympic games in the year 1984, which were not only assembly for talented young athletes from around the world, but the games of culture, peace and friendship.


Procedures at both the borders and the airport are standardized and uncomplicated. Valid passport is required. EU, American and Canadian citizens do not require a visa to enter the country. Most other nations do need a visa, and getting one is possible through the Bosnian embassies in your respective countries.

Officially, people who enter the country as a visitor need to register themselves with the police within 24 hours after their arrival in the country. If you enter Bosnia and Herzegovina by car, you will have to buy vehicle insurance at the border. You do not need this insurance if you have a green card that covers Bosnia and Herzegovina.
For more information on visas visit www.mvp.gov.ba.


Local currency is Convertible Mark - international abbreviation is BAM, i.e. KM is used locally (1.95KM=1€).
Catering establishments, shops, shopping malls and travel agencies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina cannot accept EURO payments since October 1st, 2010. Foreign currencies should be exchanged to the official local currency Convertible Mark (BAM or KM).

-Coins: 5 ,10, 20 and 50 pfennig; 1, 2 i 5 KM

- Banknotes: 10, 20, 50, 100 i 200 KM

Postal services

Postal services are provided by the state-owned company JP BH Posta d.o.o.., which has post outlets all over the city: (www.bhp.ba/en/)
Telephone service – Telephone cards for the public pay phones are available at all newsstands and post offices.
Mobile telephone service – The following three operators provide mobile telephone service in Sarajevo: BH Mobile (061, 062), Eronet (063) and m:tel (065, 066).
Internet – Internet connections and wi-fi are available in most hotels and cafés throughout the city.

Working hours

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-6/8 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m.-1 p.m.

Post offices:
Monday – Saturday: 7 a.m.- 8 p.m., head/major post offices; Sunday: Closed
Monday – Saturday: 7 a.m.-3 p.m., smaller post offices; Sunday: Closed

Grocery Stores and Shopping Mall:
Daily: 8 a.m.-10/11 p.m.

Market Place:
Daily: 7 a.m.-4/5 p.m.

Public holidays (non-working days)

January 1 and 2 – New Year
March 1 – Independence Day
May 1 and 2 – International Labor Day
November 25 – National Day

Tourist attractions

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a melting pot of different cultures, a bridge between East and West. The visitor’s experience is like nowhere else; from Roman times to the reign of the Bosnian Kings; from the Ottoman Period, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Yugoslavian era with Marshal Tito as its leader. Bosnia and Herzegovina is also a paradise for nature lovers. Soaring mountains, untouched forests, and wild rivers invite you to come for rafting and canoeing or for long walks. The Olympic ski tracks offer the opportunity of enjoying the snow for affordable prices compared with other European destinations. And the greatest asset is the wonderful hospitality of Bosnian people, along with the traditional Bosnian coffee and cakes, the irresistible “ćevapi” (grilled minced-meat fingers), pita with different fillings ( pie with cheeses,spinach, potato  or meat), wines of long tradition, hand made cheeses, “suho meso” (smoked meat), and a lot of other specialties to enjoy:

  • Ski and Mountain tourism
  • Eco tourism
  • Medical & Spa tourism
  • Cultural Heritage & Religious tourism
  • Adventure tourism
  • Sea tourism

Services :

  • Tourism Packages.
  • Tourism Medical Packages.
  • Hiking Activity.
  • Rafting Activity.
  • Mountains Climbing Activity.
  • Ice Ski Activity.
  • Rent a car.
  • Apartments and Villas rent.
  • Investment consultants.

Entertainment tourism

Bosnia and Herzegovina, the heart shaped land, with breath-taking natural beauties and different historical and cultural heritage, which strongly matches the new market travel trends, especially  requirements of the travelers who are looking for discovering new destinations, live new adventures and at the same time feel the authenticity.